Monday, 18 September 2023

Poetry against Poverty

Just over a year ago, in August 2022, Wheelsong Books was planning the launch of a new initiative in partnership with the global charity Save the Children. A collaboration between the publishing company and 90 poets from around the world would yield Wheelsong Poetry Anthology - a collection of 183 original, unpublished poems. The book is still selling steadily, one year on from its September 2022 release. A second collection - Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 2 - followed in April 2023, with a larger contingent of 105 poets contributing 214 poems. Again, this book has been steadily selling copies to raise much needed funds for life-saving intervention in crisis zones across the globe. 

It's not an easy feat to conduct such a large contingent of diverse individuals, but the editorial teams have played their parts in mustering these books together. Wheelsong's third anthology is published this week. It is larger than its older siblings, with more than 220 poems from 120 poets. Again, our fervent wish is that the poetry community will get behind this initiative and purchase this book in very large numbers. At the time of writing, Wheelsong has already sent £1500.00 (approximately $1870.00) to Save the Children from book sales.

Every book sold (whether in Kindle, softcover or hardcover) will raise about £3.00 (almost $4.00) for Save the Children. According to the charity's website, one book sale can purchase 25 water purification tablets, 18 food paste sachets, 2 sterile midwife birthing kits, or 1 child hygiene kit. All of these are vital to maintain health security in areas where there is conflict or natural disaster. By buying a Wheelsong Poetry anthology, you are literally helping to save a small life somewhere in the world. 

You can read in Matt Elmore's recent post exactly what Save the Children does across the world, but here's a link that demonstrates their financial commitment to providing nutrition, healthcare, safety, shelter and education to needy children everywhere. Finally, here is a link providing you with numerous stories of how children have been helped from the funds Wheelsong and other organisations have raised throughout the last few years. 

We really hope you will get behind this initiative and purchase copies of one, two or all three anthologies, to keep and cherish, give away as gifts, donate to libraries or generally circulate across your community. We can use poetry against poverty! Thank you.

Steve Wheeler

Image © Wheelsong Books 2023


  1. I noticed that the Kindle edition (the only one available now) sells for £8, less than the book versions of the other. Does a Kindle purchase raise the same amount for Save The Children or less? Likewise if I buy a hardback copy, will that raise more for the charity than the paperback?

    1. Yes, because there are no printing costs to pay.

  2. Imelda Zapata Garcia18 September 2023 at 15:17

    Definitely on my shopping list!

  3. I can’t think of a better way to contribute what amounts to one meal going out to dinner for us… becomes about a month of meals for some kids. One book equals one month of food paste. It is not the best food but it is a start. I am behind you one hundred percent Steve… Let’s do this… ❤️

  4. Thank you so much dear Steve Wheeler for using your talent to salvage humanity. I am prepared to support this very course....

  5. An absolutely worthwhile cause. People working together can bring about an outstanding outcome for those that benefit from this endeavor. I am proud to be a small part of this huge effort for Save The Children.


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