Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Beyond Poetry - Wheelsong Anthology 3


The emphasis of the mission statement of Wheelsong Books is not solely about poetry. It is really about poverty.

Wheelsong is coming out next week with a brand new Anthology Three in a series of absolutely new poems to knock the socks off the poetry world! However, the purpose of these books is not  to demonstrate the immense talent that makes up the roster of the Wheelsong poets. It is about children in need. 

ALL of the proceeds to Wheelsong Anthology Three are going to Save The Children, an international organization and movement designed for the sole purpose of helping impoverished children around the entire world. 

In 2021 alone, Save The Children supported 183 million children, distributing 22.8 million meals to children living in poverty in America alone… helped 12 million children access quality education – including more than 6.2 million girls… improved the nutrition of 3.2 million mothers and 10.1 million children… responded to 103 emergencies in more than 80 countries.

It employs vastly effective health, education, and protection programs, in addition to emergency response.

Just this morning Steve Wheeler listed this statement for the Invisible Poets Group on Facebook. “I just sent in another £375 donation to Save the Children from the sales of Wheelsong Poetry Anthologies. We are making a difference. Wheelsong Poetry Anthology Books 1 and 2 are still available for purchase on Amazon and Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3 will be published next week! Thank you to all who are supporting this amazing effort to bring aid to children in crisis around the world!”

By purchasing Wheelsong Anthology III next week with a reasonable contribution, you can make a difference in a child’s life in so many ways… and also receive a FANTASTIC  book of the most professional quality selected poems.

Wheelsong publisher Steve Wheeler also had this to say of the ongoing Anthology series….

“Money is a terrible master but a great servant. Some of the money we recently sent went to purchase food paste sachets for malnourished children. Some went to fund a camel library to reach unschooled children in Ethiopia. Some went to support orphaned children in Ukraine. Purchase a copy of one of the Anthologies and you'll be helping.”

Please consider this today. The Wheelsong Anthologies are all available on Amazon. Buy one or all three!!!

Children really are suffering now. This is a wonderful way to support them and receive an incredible gift of beyond beautiful poetry in the process…

Matt Elmore

Image By: Save The Children Foundation


  1. Thank you for this Matt.

    1. Thank you so much for reading!

  2. Thank you for your affirmation of Wherlsong's mission, Matt. Save the Children is fully accountable for all the funds it receives and distributes. They are also astonishingly creative in the schemes they organise to get aid to the most needy kids. This is why around $4.00 (£3.00) from each Amazon sale will be optimised and put to great use.

    1. I am again honored to be a part of this and I pray that this particular book will be the one that makes the biggest difference so far… am absolutely crazy excited about this one!

  3. A most worthy mission by Steve Wheeler and his associates. I am proud to be a small part of this endeavor. Helping to feed children worldwide is an exemplary cause and one that enables others with the ability to ease the blight of hunger. If enough people join in the effort, maybe one day hunger can be eradicated.

    1. If only every poet I’m our social media groups would just buy one book, it would make all the difference. I’m so happy you jumped into this endeavor Marie!! Thank you for all your hard work and talent!!

  4. Replies
    1. Appreciate your kind words Sarah!!

  5. Thank you, Matt for this write up. But, most of all thank you Steve Wheeler for your time, effort and expertise in putting out such a worthy project so others may participate in. Poets are able to contribute their poetry to Wheelsong’s Anthology lll with pride knowing it is to help hungry children across the world. This is also a great opportunity to purchase a book or several containing their work and give to friends. And, in turn, friends can spread the word to buy this wonderful book. What better reason to support a cause like this, than to help feed the less fortunate, especially children!
    Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    1. I couldn't say it better Karin. We are hoping that everyone will buy several copies as gifts because they are beautiful hooks containing superb poetry. Every copy sold will buy a month worth of food paste sachets for a child or at least two sterile midwife birthing packs.

    2. Your dedication to our purpose is absolutely wonderful Karin! We really appreciate the quality of work that you do. It’s such a pleasure having you with us… I can’t say that enough. 🙂

  6. Talking to Claire today we are both excited for this.

  7. Copies booked. So glad to have contributed a couple of poems. Up you, Steve, Matt and all at the helm 😄!!


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