Thursday, 14 September 2023

Charity And Poetry

As we approach the introduction of the brand new  Wheelsong Anthology Three next week, an article considering the scope of what Wheelsong does is in order. 

Wheelsong Books was formed by Steve Wheeler, and is currently dedicated to funding Save The Children through the total profits of an ongoing poetry series. This series contains many stellar works of a number of both established and little known poets, all of which demonstrate exemplary work in their craft.

There are so many charitable organizations out there, and causes as well.  Some charitable causes include issues related to addiction, race, the blind, cancer, child protection, civil rights, consumer rights, environmental, and health. Also included would be those dealing with housing, human rights, human services, hunger, international relief, LGBTQ+, education, mental health, and police. Let’s not forget reproductive health, terminally ill, women’s advocacy, and youth charities!

The mission statement of Wheelsong is to contribute not only to the discovery and development of poetic talent, but also to doing our part within a global community to make a difference. This article is only a peek into a vast window of opportunities to positively influence so many lives in so many ways… whether through direct donations or by being the voice of a movement.

As an author within the Wheelsong roster… my main motivation is to making this difference. By contributing and buying the Wheelsong anthologies, whether it is one for myself, or as Christmas gifts for my loved ones, I know that all the profits are going straight to children that need the resources. Resources I have and am willing to share! 

This word from Steve Wheeler today…


“Hi @everyone 

£3.00 can feed a malnourished child for a month. £3.00 can buy two sterile birthing kits. £3.00 can go a very long way in an area of deprivation or disaster. And guess what? £3.00 is the profit gained from every Wheelsong Poetry Anthology sold on Amazon. 

Wheelsong Books has so far donated £1500.00 to Save the Children from book sales. We would love to send more. If every member of Invisible Poets bought one copy, we could send another £22,000 to help kids in crisis!

This book is published on 19th September. Will you buy into the Wheelsong vision? Poetry against poverty!”


For those who live in fields of plenty… a little can mean a lot… to those who have such a small amount of anything. 

Please consider buying a Wheelsong Anthology and keep hope alive for impoverished children around the world.

Matt Elmore


Top Rated Charities—

Types Of Giving: The ABCs Of Donations—    

Image provided by: Unsplash


  1. Definitely will be purchasing several copies as I have all the other anthologies. “Poetry Against Poverty” What a fantastic motto!

  2. Imelda Zapata Garcia15 September 2023 at 00:02

    It's been my privilege to be a part of this epic journey into, literally making change. Thank you dearest Steve Wheeler for affording us the wonderful opportunities each time.


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