Thursday, 17 August 2023

Call for poems!

I had to suppress a few smiles last week when I posted the first announcement for Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3. People were texting and emailing me in panic and confusion, because I had not posted a date for submission or email address. It was deliberate, because that post was really a teaser for the one you are now reading. We needed to gauge interest in the project. It's nice to know that so many of you are eager to contribute to this prestigious and far reaching publication. So let me put you all out of your misery. This, dear poets, is the official call for contributions to Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3 (Please read the following instructions carefully).

Firstly, do not bother to submit your poetry if you do not intend to buy at least one copy of the book. It's a charity publication, and all profits from Amazon sales will go to help children in crisis. If you're not prepared to invest in helping kids, we won't be publishing your poetry. 

Secondly, only submit poetry that is a) your own work and b) has not been subject to any other publishing agreement. Poetry you've shared on Facebook and other social media is fine. Just don't send in work that has been published elsewhere under another contract. That could lead to a law suit. The editorial team will reject poems if we suspect they have been either plagiarised, or generated by artificial intelligence.

Thirdly, submit up to 3 poems as either plain text or in a Word file via email to this address: Submissions by any other means will not be considered. Poetry submitted as images or photos will not be considered. Before you ask: There is no theme

Finally, all poems submitted will be subject to review by our editorial team. Your poetry will be anonymised so the team can't see who you are. If your poetry is selected, you will be informed via email, and a publication agreement will be sent to you for you to complete and return. If your work is not accepted for publication, you will receive an email informing you of the team's decision. No correspondence other than via email will be valid. Please don't try to text or direct message us. We won't answer. 

The window for submission is now open, and will be closed on Friday 1 September. Any submissions received after this date will be rejected. If there is an extension to this date, you will be informed.

We look forward to reading your submissions. Good luck!

Steve Wheeler (on behalf of the editorial team)

Photo © 2023 Wheelsong Books


  1. Imelda Zapata Garcia17 August 2023 at 18:48

    I will take my time before submitting, so as to carefully choose the three pieces. Thank you for the opportunity dear Steve.

    1. Take as much time as you like... up to the deadline obviously ;)

  2. Please bill me for two donations once I’ve submitted

    1. I'll track down your IP computer address Anonymous.. ;)

  3. It is a good development! I will certainly purchase a copy if my poems are included to assist children that are in need!

  4. Put me down for 4 please Steve!

  5. It's a wonderful service you all provide, Steve
    To help in anyway for 'Save the CHILDREN'!!! I decided on my three tonight. Happy reading on them ALL, EVERYONE.
    Beyond Blessings !✍️💜

  6. It took me awhile to choose. Thank you again for the opportunity, Steve and TEAM, to help assist in ANYWAY , for the children. Beyond Blessings!

  7. As in the past, submissions should be in the body of our emails? WORD doc acceptable?


    1. Yes, Symon, hopefully as I've made clear in the blog post.

    2. Great idea . Will submit before first September . Thanks for this’s exciting .

  8. How much are the publications?

    1. Depends on your country's currency. But as an example if you're in the UK it will be about £12.00 (£6 for authors) or USA $15 ($7.50 for aurhors). Does that help you?

  9. D. A. Simpson poet21 August 2023 at 19:52

    I look forward to submitting my three poems for this wonderful charity publication. I shall certainly buy a copy of my own if my work is chosen. I wish the team all the very best for this marvellous venture.

  10. May I assume that submissions should be single space in times new Roman 12 point?

  11. May I assume that the contributions should be single spaced and in times new Roman 12 point?

  12. What if you live overseas how will you ship the anthology to me? I am currently in Czechia but hope to be in Albania or the US in December

  13. I am really excited to be submitting three poems for the first time, and will certainly be buying multiple copies of Anthology 3 through when it comes out. I treated myself to copies of Books 1 and 2 last week and am really enjoying them.

    1. That's great to hear. Thank you for supporting this great cause.

  14. Great initiative. Am in it. Thanks

  15. Great one Sir. I’m gonna contribute

  16. 2 questions:
    -is there anything in the publication agreement that will ever interfere with my ability to write and publish my own book with the same poem?
    -submissions are anonymous, but will chosen poems be name tagged in the final anthology?

    1. No. We wouldn't do that to you. And yes, of course. How else would we give you credit?

  17. Excited to submit! Beautiful cause & of course will purchase! 🩷

  18. Thanks for the opportunity. Great!

  19. Sent 3. Would like one copy no matter if I'm included. How do I go about payment and when do I


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