Sunday 20 August 2023

Exercising The Poetic Mind


Just as our bodies benefit from regular exercise to stay fit and healthy, our brains and poetic skills also thrive when subjected to exercise. Poetry exercises provide a creative workout for our minds, helping us explore new realms of expression, expand our literary horizons, and refine our poetic abilities. In this blog, we will delve into the importance of poetry exercises and discuss various exercises that can help strengthen our poetic minds and keep them sharp. 

1. The Art of Wordplay

Wordplay exercises stimulate our minds to think beyond just conventional language usage, encouraging us to explore the vast potential of words. Engage in activities such as anagrams, palindromes, or creating puns to enhance your wordplay skills. These exercises not only improve your vocabulary but also encourage you to think critically and creatively. Sometimes, I found in my own work even discovering one newly found word can create a poem at times in itself by creating a guideline or foundation. 

2. Embrace Metaphorical Thinking

Metaphors add such a depth and richness to poetry, allowing us to express complex emotions and ideas through vivid comparison. Engaging in exercises that involve creating metaphors can be immensely beneficial. Take an ordinary object or concept and brainstorm various metaphors that could be associated with it. This exercise trains your mind to think metaphorically and enhances your ability to imbue your writing with powerful imagery.

3. Poetic Forms and Structures

Familiarize yourself with different poetic forms and structures such as sonnets, haikus, villanelles, or pantoums. These forms provide a framework within which creativity can flourish. Challenge yourself to write within specific constraints, such as adhering to a particular rhyme scheme or syllable count. This exercise hones your ability to work within defined parameters while fostering innovative thinking.

4. Painting with Words

Ekphrasis is the art of vividly describing a work of art, usually a painting or sculpture, through poetry. Engage in ekphrasis exercises by selecting a visual artwork and allowing it to inspire your poetic interpretation. Describe the colors, textures, and emotions evoked by the artwork, transforming it into a vibrant tapestry of words. This exercise not only enhances your observational skills but also encourages you to find new ways to convey sensory experiences.

5. Collaborative Poetry

Collaborative poetry exercises involve working with others to create a collective piece of writing. This exercise promotes cooperation, stimulates your imagination, and exposes you to different writing styles and perspectives. Participating in writing circles, poetry workshops, or online forums can provide opportunities for collaborative poetry exercises. I know Matt Elmore has made a few different posts on collaborations and the benefits of that particular experience. Each post and collaboration I read has been very well done which proves the efficacy of this technique. 

6. Stream of Consciousness Writing

Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page in a stream of consciousness exercise. Write without pausing or censoring yourself, allowing your mind to wander and explore new ideas. This exercise can help you to tap into your subconscious mind, unraveling hidden thoughts and emotions. It encourages you to embrace spontaneity and can lead to surprising poetic discoveries.

7. Rewrite and Revise

Revision is an essential part of the writing process, and poetry is no exception. Select a poem you have written and challenge yourself to rewrite it from a different perspective or in a different poetic form. I myself will sometimes write a poem and before posting it, I will check it the next day or two and see if it still has the same impact of when I initially created it. This exercise encourages you to critically evaluate your work and explore alternative possibilities. It also helps you refine your poetic voice and improve your overall writing skills.

Just as physical exercise strengthens our bodies, poetry exercises invigorate our minds and helps sharpen our poetic skills. By engaging in wordplay, exploring metaphors, experimenting with poetic forms, and practicing collaborative writing, we expand our creative boundaries and unlock new realms of expression. So, let us embrace the power of poetry exercises and embark on a journey of continuous growth and poetic discovery. Exercise your poetic mind and watch as your words dance with newfound grace and beauty.

Brandon Adam Haven 

Picture by: Brandon Adam Haven 


  1. Quite simply a superb, pragmatic and accessible set of guidelines and suggestions for any aspiring poet. Thanks for sharing this post Brandon!

    1. Thank you for reading Steve.

  2. It surely does invigorate the mind of a poet, writer, artist. Great and much needed info, Brandon. Thank you! ✍️💜 Beyond Blessings

    1. I’m grateful, thank you.


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