Sunday, 12 May 2024

A Review Of Kenneth Wheeler’s “Inspirations”

Some food is taken in small bites to really savor the flavors and overall complexities of the dish on the palette. I decided to approach the reading of Kenneth Wheeler’s “Inspirations” in this manner. As a result my hope for humanity was fed with all the earthy substance of a hearty steak to the heavenly light satisfaction of clotted cream on scones with strawberry jam.

Kenneth’s many stories of his experiences in the WWII Plymouth Blitz in England, as well as moving his family about, serving in the Royal Air Force for 32 years, only scratch the surface of the man himself. 

Inspirations covers a substantial amount of spiritual ground as a devotional to the power and redemptive healing hope in the works not only of Jesus Christ, but in ourselves as human beings. The potential reconciliation of our spiritual and our earthly existence is put into perspective in poems such as That Night In Gethsemane, Promises, and Dumping Ground. 

These works challenge typical devotions with a most direct yet immensely beautiful poetic approach that is both entertaining and… well… inspirational! This is a book that lives and breathes with every poem!

In Minute By Minute he writes “… it’s what we do with each and every precious moment, once that moment is gone, we can’t recall it, or reuse it. We can’t live again, so what are we doing with all of those precious moments?” He points out half our lives are spent in bed, and the rest is there to draw upon the righteous word of God in order to shine that light for others to see and share.

Kenneth’s voice also spans immensely vivid portraits of his childhood in Plymouth, where locals are known as Janners. He says so much with so little about his beloved late wife in Ascent Love and A Tribute To My Beautiful Ruth with lines like “In my mind I still see your sweet face, The beauty that captured my soul, your hair so perfect, arranged with great care, led me to levels unknown”. This is the heart of a poet!

The gratitude of a humbled human soul steeped in the righteousness and divine commission of the teachings of Jesus Christ permeates every poem of “Inspirations”. It literally boosts the reader up with the hope that there is more to be seen than unseen, as well as so much to be achieved with living a life dedicated in the service of The Lord, family, and the overall world in general.

“Inspirations” takes devotional books to the next level in many ways,  from the appreciation of the NHS (Thursday Night) to cultural commonalities  (There Are No Borders). His poetic pen weaves many a captivating story in poetic prose, always coming back to his unwavering victory through an undying faith.

I’m honored to have been able to review this book. Although I have not talked to Kenneth personally, I have read and admired his poems from afar for some time now. I’m glad his son Steve got him an iPad during Covid… the catalyst for the creation to this book!

I highly recommend Inspirations, not only for it’s delightfully poignant and relatable stories, but for the vast spiritual smorgasbord it provides to manifest hope. It serves a never ending plate of heavenly poetry that keeps the reader coming back for seconds every time. 

Matt Elmore


1 comment:

  1. Mat you have pay me such a remarkable compliments, spiritual grace and peace, and say wonderful things about my poems, you see what other do not, and honour me beyond description, that embarrasses me
    In pure humility, I feel, like I have just won the Oscar, or a medal of honour by some great Personality, and indeed I have , thank you Mat
    You are one in million. A doctor of words, and poetry, I only wish I had the words to express my delight and to describe the joy in my heart
    And my sincere gratitude I owe to you my dear brother in the Lord
    Kenneth RV wheeler, Blessings,


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