Monday, 8 January 2024

How to get your poem read on Live Poets Society

Live Poets Society is an important element of the Invisible Poets group. It's a live show that goes out every Friday at 8pm (UK time; 3pm EST, US) and draws quite a few viewers. The USA version is hosted by Matt Elmore and Brandon Adam Haven at the same time on Tuesdays. Who knows if there will be other spin offs? 

Some editions of Live Poets Society have been known to attract upwards of 1000 views, and all the poems are selected exclusively from Invisible Poets by the hosts. Poets can gain live feedback from viewers on their work, and it's usually very positive! It's quite a hot ticket to get your poetry read out (actually performed) on one of the shows. Many people understandably ask how they get their Poems read on the shows.

Here are some words of advice:

1) You first need to be a member of Invisible Poets poetry group. Click this link to join us! 

2) Share you poem to the group using plain text. We don't read out poetry that's submitted as images or videos. They're just about impossible to transfer across to the system for reading.

3) Lengthy poems are less likely to be selected. The shows are only 30 minutes long, and we like to read as may as we can in the time available. Keep your poems short and punchy if you can. 

4) This last one is subjective, but important, so listen up. We tend to choose poems that are different and out of the ordinary. Quirky and strange is good, bland ad predictable not so much. If you want to catch our eye, write outside of your comfort zone, make your poetry stand out, make it unusual, and highly visible! Take some risks and see what happens. 

Do not try to circumvent the above by attempting to send your poetry direct to one of the presenters. We tend to ignore this approach. 

I hope this helps those who want their poetry showcased on the shows. We are always on the lookout to add to the playlist! 

NB: If you'd like to learn how to enhance and enliven your poetry, check it all of the instructional posts on this blog. There are plenty!

Steve Wheeler 

Image from PickPic


  1. I think it should also have enclosed in this blog no explicit content. It is upsetting seeing it and I know the team work extremely hard to prevent such trolls and content being removed immediately. Perhaps suggest a minimum and maximum limit on the length of a poem for example no less than 2 verses and more more than six. I know the other day I post an 11 verse poem but I try to keep it to 4 as suggested by my writing coach. Great and helpful blog. Thanks team Wheelsong Invisible poets.

  2. Informative as ever Steve! It is so much fun to not only present quality poetry, but to “perform” it as well… hearing one’s work read by someone else really gives a poet a sense of how interpretive an art poetry really is!

  3. WOW! 😲 Another grrreat piece of advice, Steve! Love what you wrote on stand out POETRY, something unusual that will catch their attention. ✍️πŸ’œ You ALWAYS share something intriguing, helpful or knowledgeable. Thank you! Matt El ore, too.. When he shares intrigue through his words. Always learning something HERE! I LOVE THAT! πŸ«‚THANK YIU, AGAIN! πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ


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