Wednesday, 10 January 2024

Behind The Scenes: Live Poets Society

Steve Wheeler’s Live Poets Society has become quite a hit on Facebook, and continues to draw a bigger audience each week. I have hosted a few shows, my favorites with fellow poet colleague and friend Brandon Adam Haven. Brandon being at the helm has given the show even more of a boost with his fluid talent and extensive, yet humble, expertise.

Together, we currently tackle the duties of putting on a quality video poetry broadcast for Invisible Poets, Steve’s show being the flagship of Live Poets Society. Steve named to title as a tongue in cheek nod to the Dead Poets Society movie with Robin Williams. 

Fellow Wheelsong author and alumni Charlene Phare has also enjoyed quite a following with her “No Holds Barred” program of similar tone and content. We can’t wait to see her at it again soon!

Reading of the poems lies within “performing” them… giving them all breath and life… with inflections on key words. 

Reading poems is only a small part of the effort to make this kind of show possible. It is the selection of poems that makes the job a challenge. It starts with allowing for a negligible size, format, and content as Steve pointed out in his last blog. Should you have an interest in being on the show you MUST  check it out in this link…

Promoting the best poets is what we do… only next level poems make it on the show. With the growing number of Invisible Poets Group memebrs on Facebook, we’ve found that it takes two shows to do all the poets justice. I don’t believe any other group that I know of is doing two shows a week of this magnitude on social media. Invisible Poets is becoming a premiere poetry group!

Incorporating humor is also an essential element of this particular show… as Steve has his occasional “cleaners” dropping in… or poet dog barking up a soliloquy. For Brandon and I, it is our rap names of BDizzle and Big Stack, or aliens behind me, or whatever is happening around us. We love to be silly and serious both. It gives the show wings. 

I personally believe if the show is a joy to host, which it really is, then it will be a joy to watch, which it has been for poets and poetry admirers both. 

Please join Brandon and I live on Tuesdays at 8 PM UK & 3 PM USA Eastern Standard time… and catch the mothership with Steve on Fridays at the same respective times. Join us and hear quality poetry done up right.

Matt Elmore

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the work you do. Most of the general public is never aware of the plethora of poets refining the language by which the world explores and expresses itself.


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