Tuesday 22 August 2023

Poetic devices 3: Repetition and refrains

They say that history repeats itself. It has to. Because no-one ever listens. 

That was, of course, a clever line from a poem by Steve Turner from his Nice and Nasty collection. But repetition is also a poetic device. In songs it's known as a refrain. A line or a whole chorus is repeated throughout the song, mainly to carry the hook line, but also to emphasise a phrase or a key point. In poetry the latter is always a good reason to repeat a line. 

There are a variety of fixed form poems that build a repetition of selected lines into their structure. The Villanelle is one example; another is the Pantoum. In both, the refrain shapes the rhythm and tempo of the poem, but can also emphasise and drive home the message the poet wishes to convey. In rhetorical poetry and prose this is known as anaphora

Dog by Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a poem written from the perspective of the poet's dog. The poem appears simplistic at first but as you read it you quickly realise it is deeply philosophical, and the repeated lines begin to hammer home the message that the poem is really about us and our own inner dialogues.

The dog trots freely in the street
and sees reality
and the things he sees
are bigger than himself
The dog trots freely thru the street
and the things he sees
are smaller than himself
The dog trots freely in the street
and has his own dog’s life to live ...

The entire poem can be read at this link.

Another type of repetition is known as epistrophe, where the same line is repeated at the end of an entire stanza or multiple lines. Again, this can be used effectively for emphasis, but can also be used to maintain the tempo of the poem. For a great example of this, watch the Bard of Salford, John Cooper Clarke performing his excellent poem Beasley Street (this version has a music backing). 

Building repetition and refrains into your poetry takes a little effort, especially if you want it to make sense. But with a little effort and some practice it can become second nature. Quite a few of my own poemw draw to some extent on repetitive lines and rhythmic use of words. Try it. It's a lot of fun. (I said try it. It's a lot of fun).  

Previous posts in the poetic devices series:

1: Similes
2: Metaphors

Steve Wheeler

Image by Maurits Escher on Wikimedia Commons


  1. Thank you so much for it Steve! I enjoyed the ending as words as well.

  2. Hello Steve, and thanks for a tremendously helpful post. I have to admit, it is easier for me to write shorter-line poems than longer ones. Regarding "Meme," I use a yearly subscribed quote creator entitled: "Quozio" for many of my poetic quotes. They also have a very robust "Free" version also. I will create a poem, add a meme, and post it on the Wheelsong site. Thanks again for all you do to positively and profoundly impact the lives of many, who are near, far, unseen, and in "younder-places!"

  3. Imagination trumps the details.

    She cradles her head gently between her hands
    as if dispatched by Madam la Guillotine.
    Eyes tightly closed, hair stickier wet than the dew
    blood spouting from fissured jugulars.
    As her head fell, it left a blood-red stain
    Upon Madame's blade, upon the gravelled stone court.
    She cradles her head gently between her hands
    too tired to hold erect when cradled in Hypnos arms
    Sleep overwhelms her, sleepier still, yet unslept.
    Maybe nights for her are not as was
    wide awake when light is darkly invisible.
    Upon his bed, held down by his gravelled stoned palms.
    She cradles her head gently between her hands
    as though saving the full impact for John McAdam
    Death has become her, limbs distorted, pointing
    to various cardinals of a Boy Scouts compass
    A short uninterrupted downward spiral
    to the cold hard gravelled stoned road below

  4. Always enlightening and informative. Thanks for the very helpful tutorials.

  5. Good lesson, Nice but complex poem... The dogs life. That's repetition in the hands of a guru.
    I write simpler poems. What's your take about repetition, coming in a particular regular point/line in every stanza. And where is the divide between repetition and redundancy/poor poetry? . I try to avoid repetitions for fear of the later. Thanks for the good work, and exposure you are giving us. Joel M


Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 5

Do you want to be a part of something really great? Something that is far more than just poetry? Something that will leave a lasting legacy ...