Thursday, 13 February 2025

Life in Mali

If you've been around long enough, you'll know that Wheelsong Books and Invisible Poets are supporting Save the Children - a worldwide fund that provides emergency relief and education opportunities for children in crisis. Many of the Wheelsong Books are sold to raise funds for these efforts, and the latest two Invisible Poets anthologies - jammed packed with almost 500 poems from members - is now on sale to continue our pledge to support Save the Children. 

Here are a few stories about how the charity provides safe, educational and creative spaces for children around the globe:

The photo above is of Ousmane, a young boy living in the African state of Mali. The country has been torn by civil war for decades, and many children have been orphaned and displaced. Ousmane fled the violence that killed his father and now lives with his aunt. Save the Children is funding a school in Mali to educate young children, and Ousmane is one of those who have benefited from this initiative. Ousmane says he has thrown himself into his studies and 'I have strength. I am brave. No-one works harder than me.'

It can't have been easy for young Ousmane, but as with many thousands of other children, Save the Children is providing safe spaces for children to build for a brighter future. People like you, who are supporting Wheelsong's initiative to create poetry books are making a huge difference. Please buy copies of the new anthologies to continue to help these needy children.

Steve Wheeler

1 comment:

  1. The confidence in that little voice gives me such hope for these children in need… being a part of this poetry against poverty is one of the greatest achievements of my life. May we continue to make a difference! ❤️


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