Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Review of 2024: Part Three

Autumn of 2024 was busier than ever for Wheelsong Books. This is part 3 in our review of the year. Part one can be read at this link and part two can be viewed here.


As August began, Wheelsong's next publication was released. It was Storming Oblivion by the mercurial New York poet Peter Rivers. This book was Peter's first full collection of published poetry and it certainly caused a small storm with its moody cover design and extraordinary poetry. 

Writing about his debut collection, Peter says:

This collection represents a journey through my own expression, recognizing the potential value within my own voice. Storming Oblivion will present tales of love, loss, fear, doubt, feelings that lack reciprocity and more. Travel with me on my road to self-discovery as I share the deepest parts of my soul with you in my quest for self-acceptance.


As the summer drew to a close and the leaves began to change colour, Wheelsong Books published an amazing collection of poetry titled Stealing Fire.  Written by Irish poet Tyrone M. Warren, Stealing Fire is a radical departure from much of Wheelsong's previous offerings. Tyrone is a poet with a difference. He speaks from his own experience about a number of challenging issues including domestic abuse, urban alienation and addiction. His writing is visceral, stream of consciousness style and it utterly captures your attention. Tyrone lived in London for many years but recently made his home in the idyllic Cornish countryside.

He says about his own writing craft:

It’s been a hard graft starting from scratch again and I feel a sincere gratitude to have had this opportunity like God heard my heart and I had the clarity to see and read the signs.


The much awaited Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 5 was published as Autumn decended. Edited by myself, with able assistance from Brandon Adam Haven and Charlene Phare, WSPA5 features poetry from all six continents, and has become just as popular as all its previous siblings. The cover art is a photo I took from street level of skyscrapers in Manhattan while working in New York in 2015. 

Containing poems in many styles and diverse themes, WSPA5 is an excellent addition to anyone's poetry collection, and features a number of new poets previously unpublished. 

As ever, sales of every book contribute to Wheelsong's charity donations, with more than £6,500 ($8,100) so far being given to Save the Children to help feed, provide health care and educate children in crisis. Wheelsong will continue to create these books for as long as there is an audience to read them. 


The final book of 2024 was published in November and it was quite a pleasant surprise to many poetry fans. Circus of Circles by young Irish poet Aoife Cunningham caused quite a stir, not only due to its fiercely vibrant cover art, but also because of the way the book created a new dimension for Aoife's dynamic and powerful spoken word performances. 

Much of her work in the book derives from personal mental struggles and dark, painful places, as well as life in a lage Irish family, but as ever it is all delivered with her inimitable wit and humour. Aoife presents her art with grace and style, always infused with the unmistakeable culture and charm of the Emerald Isle. 

We hope to hear a lot more from this talented young poet in the coming years. 


In the final month of the year Invisible Poets reached the significant milestone of 50,000 members. Less than 2 years old, the group thrives from a range of activities including several regular live shows from the UK, USA, Brazil and other countries, energising experimental poetry exercises and engaging writing challenges, many of which yield a diverse range of poems and creative works shared on the site. 

To celebrate reaching 50,000, Wheelsong has created a special T-Shirt which presents the slogan 'Poetry Against Poverty'. Needless to say, every sale raises a fair amount of money to support children in crisis across the globe. In the new year, Wheelsong has plans to establish an online store selling a range of merchandising that will further support Save the Children. Watch out for announcements on the group sites!

Previous parts of this annual review are available:

Review of 2024 (Part One)

Review of 2024 (Part Two)

Steve Wheeler


  1. I know these last three book review blogs must have taken some time to do Steve. I just want you to know, I enjoyed reading them very much and that you did marvelous on each one of these, thank you.

  2. What a great blogspot.

  3. I am blown away with everything Wheelsong has accomplished in just one year!!! So much respect for the enter roster of poets that have supported our cause. Thank you for all of the time and hard work you do for all of us invisble poets good Captain!! May our next year find even brighter seas…


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