Tuesday, 23 April 2024

The Soul of the Poet

Well, this is interesting... it's an interview I completely forgot I had done for an education magazine called Inspired Creative Minds. I was interviewed about my 'poetry career' by one of Tony Dukeva's students and this is the result (click the image to enlarge it for reading). You can also read the entire magazine online at this link

Steve Wheeler


  1. “Sheer bloody mindedness”… it really is about a dogged determination to never give up when it comes to writing poetry. So many little tidbits of great information here Steve… especially about the vitality of imagery in the poetic craft… well worth a second read!

  2. What an eye-opening interview. This was a great way to share more of yourself with Wheelsong. I agree with Matt, nice message at the end! 😆Universal Peace & Love 🪷


Why some poets use Artificial Intelligence

In my previous post I explored why some people behave badly online. As a psychologist, it fascinates me, but I guess I have an insight into ...