Friday, 5 April 2024

Not Better, Just Different

When Steve Wheeler asked me to be on the editorial team for the new #4 Edition of the ongoing Wheelsong Anthology Series I was  both thrilled,… and a bit troubled.

I am first and foremost a poet. I have been on the tail end of plenty of rejections… on and off many lists. Yet I was also an editor on my college literary magazine for three years. I understand what it takes to put a book to bed, and respect the tedious process.

Selecting poems for this upcoming book was not an easy task. I read and read for hours! I gave EVERY POEM as much attention as I would want an editor to give mine.

There were over 500 entries in two weeks. Many poets did not make it due to a number of reasons. Publisher and Editor In Chief Steve Wheeler put it best in a recent communique to Invisible Poet Facebook Group moderators:

“The editors worked long hours to wade through more than 500 anonymised submissions. I can guarantee the selection was fair and rigorous. Most poems were rejected for a number of reasons, including length, focus, emotional impact, grammatical and syntactical integrity, intelligability and potential appeal to a wide readership. The message to everyone is, this is a group effort, try not to take things personally, and keep supporting this initiative as it gains momentum. We are only just starting.”

Wheelsong Publishing really does represent the finest intentions of the poetry publishing business. The idea of promoting premiere class poets with an emphasis on charity for Save The Children is one that I am proud to be a part of, and work relentlessly at.

The simple fact is that no poet is better… only different. We are all growing as artists, some perhaps a little further than others. However, we are all growing artists, no matter what “level” we are on. I remain an administrator on Invisible Poets and a moderator on Wheelsong Poetry Facebook Groups  to humbly encourage upcoming poets. 

Although there is no way I could have enough time to possibly read EVERY poem on both groups, I am but one soul out of two teams of capable and caring leaders dedicated to supporting our members, no matter what their skill level. Every poet is special, every voice needs to be heard, every perspective is valid on its own merits. 

If you did it make it this time, congratulations! If you did not, get ready for the next Anthology… the next book… the next opportunity to get better! Buckle down. Try different content, different forms, different expressions, different perspectives…

When I got rejected, it only made me try all the harder. Finally, after all that rejection… all that work… all those many poems, I was lucky enough to be published. I still have not become the best poet I can be, and will not be stopped until I am. Never better than any other poet…. just different. Thanks for reading, and write on poet sisters and brothers.

Matt Elmore


  1. This is so true, we can never please everyone. If we try we end up pleasing no one, especially ourselves. Just be you, and with that be the best you that you absolutely can. Anyone who didn’t make it is welcome to reach out to me and I would be glad to learn along side you and honored to be part of your journey to take the poetic light inside of you to new places. I am not close to the poet I can become, but I am always glad to share a desk beside anyone and see where we can go!
    Namaste - let my light touch your light
    Let your light shine through your poems, piercing the heart of poverty!

    1. Your relentless duty to encouraging all of us invisible underground poets does not go unrecognized Peter. You are an exceptional poet in your own write. Thank you for everything you are doing fellow colleague! You are most appreciated.

  2. Wonderfully said ❤️🦋🌹

    1. Much obliged my friend.

  3. This is absolutely wise of you Matt. I totally see eye to eye with you

    1. I’m glad to hear that. I only want to bring out the best in everyone with excluding anyone. That’s what we are trying to do!

  4. It's so very understandable. Selected or not, I don't know.I only have enough faith to submit a few the next time an opportunity pops up!!

    1. We appreciate your heart for charity! Submitting poems to this book only gives us all the opportunity to put food in hungry children’s mouths. Appreciate your kind response!!

  5. Well said Matt. I think that poetry is like music… many different styles or genres.To compare ourselves with other poets is like trying to compare Mozart with The Beatles… very different but both appealing to their own audiences. There’s room for us all 😊

    1. I can’t think of a better way of putting it!! Artists are different,.. it’s simple as that. Hendrix or Clapton, Chuck Berry or Jerry Lee Lewis… even if it seems in the same same style it still has a different voice… well said!!

  6. Sage words Matt. People shouldn't take it personally if their work is not accepted. It may validly cause disappointment and even anger, but there should never be self pity. It isn't a personal tragedy. There are millions of children dying every year because they don't have enough nourishment. Now that's a tragedy, and it's something were trying to help address through the charity book publications. Remember Poets, it's not about us, it's about giving kids a decent future.

    1. Ours is a most noble cause… with no prejudices held at all. Poems for the Anthology were selected on terms of merit and not notoriety. I pray these poems held up to the light bring some relief to those who need it so desperately!! Your comment has weight my friend.. and I respect it immensely.

  7. When I saw the reply mail from Steve, j thought my work was just terrible and can't be accepted anywhere. I felt bad and down thinking I'm just not good at all. So I wouldn't even try submitting again but this is is a game changing message for me.

    I know it's largely about time factor but if we can get some reasons our work wasn't accepted in the reply mail it will go a long way to help us shape up. Thank you.

    1. That is a great suggestion… but the work it takes to put the book together alone takes quite a substantial amount of time… to critique each poem of the hundreds would simply be impossible as much as we would like to do that. I’m so happy you found this article helpful and hope you continue to submit works to the Wheelsong series!!

  8. A very well thought out message Matt, thank you . Indeed, being turned down is depleting, but perseverance is key. One can never stop learning. And, I cannot think of a better place to improve and sharpen the lead than here! Looking forward to future opportunities for all. Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    1. I love putting together anything that helps poets learn, want to write, and stay engaged in their craft. It’s at the heart of what we do!

  9. Matt you're so right if we didn't make it this time next time we'll congratulations to all those who are made it and better lux next time we must try harder for the next anthology ❤ hugs

    1. There’s ALWAYS next time!! ☺️

  10. Thank you Matt for this informative piece. Many poets do get discouraged if they are not chosen for an anthology.

    These blogspot posts are filled with great ideas including Steve's various exercises to expand our poetic horizon! I thoroughly enjoy the challenges.

    Poets should not be discouraged. Encouraging others supports everyone and most importantly Save the Children Foundation.

    Thank you Invisible Poets and Wheelsong books for allowing this community the opportunity to serve and make a difference in the world!
    Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    1. Poetry against poverty… one poem at a time!


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