Friday, 1 March 2024

Support your local poet

Are you doing enough to support your fellow Poets? No, I'm not talking about buying their books, although if you can, that would be wonderful. No  I'm talking about totally free support you can offer. The image above says it all.

1) You could quickly 'like' or 'love' a post. Not only does this encourage a poet, it also increases the number of other people in the group who are likely to see the poem pop up in their timeline. That's the Facebook algorithm works.

2) You could leave a quick message of support or encouragement. Any message from another poet is usually welcomed. If you're offering some advice, do so kindly, and most poets will value it. Posting a comment also makes you more visible, and others may read your poems because of your comment.

3) You could share the poet's work (with their permission) to other groups or sites to raise their profile and spread their art more widely. This is more easily done if the group is public (like Passion for Poetry, or Invisible Poets.  

4) Finally, you could 'favourite' the post. As with likes and shares, favouriting a post raises the visibility of the poet on other timelines.

All of the above actions take very little time, and absolutely no cost. The more poets support each other, the stronger we will become as a community. Give more than you take! 

Steve Wheeler 


  1. Invisible Poets is such a special group. This is excellent advice. Commenting as well as liking or loving a post is particularly encouraging to us all. I've not done enough recently...I've had flu...but excuses's a wonderful way to appreciate many different varieties of poetry and poets. And it works! It increases your visibility to others and also the poet you're commenting on. We all have our favourite writers on here. But take my advice...cast your net wider. We are liquorice will discover so much about others and equally important...about yourself. And it's fun!

    Terry Bridges

  2. Valuable advice for poets supporting poets, or just folks who enjoy quality poetry. I’m not familiar with the “favourite” feature. This blog comes in handy. Thanks Steve.


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