Friday, 22 March 2024

Social Media Etiquette

It’s amazing how easy it is to hurt peoples feelings… especially when it pertains to their art. 

My girlfriend is a professional chef. I recently suggested that her food is expensive by my means. I never thought that she would take it to mean that her incredible creations were not worth it. I found myself with my fool foot in my mouth, and quickly apologized. 

Poetry is no different. I’ve seen so many poetry groups online that create such a toxic environment with jaunty criticism and self aggrandizing comments. They hurt. No matter how tough a person is… attacking them or anybody by denigrating something they are passionate about ultimately achieves nothing. 

Now an administrator on Invisible Poets, I was once a moderator. I would always accentuate a poets strengths, and treat each poet as a personal friend. Even today I do this when I can, and take great delight in encouraging someone to do something they love to do and are good at doing. That something is writing really good poetry.

Life is a constant learning experience. We can never be perfect. However, we can aspire to be something that we never were before. Once we get there, we can then work on becoming better with each particular endeavor. Eventually, we will be the best we can be… and that is a beautiful thing.

Poetry should not be a competition. It should represent a community based on communication and empathy. The very idea of Wheelsong is to promote quality poets by making a charitable difference. By its very character, it represents the most noble intentions by means of what amounts to a collectively humble poet soul. 

These noble intentions of humility are why I am proud to be a part of the Wheelsong family, and always will be for as long as I am needed… to encourage, promote, and exhilarate premiere poetry in order to make a difference.

Feel free to comment, and thank you for reading!

Matt Elmore


  1. Amen to this, great points and sentiment! Let’s lift each other up!

  2. I wholeheartedly agree with the entire sentiment of this piece Matt - I always say that it’s easier to lift others up than to put them down! Poetry is often such a personal journey for many too which should always be respected! Thanks for this gentle and eloquent reminder Matt ๐Ÿค—❤️๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

    1. Really appreciate your sincere support!!

  3. Thanks for all you and the team do to make this safe space in which to share ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Thank you Nadia! A safe place to grow as an artist is a good thing!

  4. Thank you, Matt, for the Sermon because my sin was on full display for all to see. I am the perfect example of "what NOT to do". And I am glad you are addressing it in such a professional and calm manner. I pray I will be shamed enough to be a better Member, a better poet, a better human. I seek forgiveness...

    1. No worries… all is forgiveness here!

  5. Clearly and concisely put, Matt. Great message! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ Universal Peace & Love ๐Ÿชท

    1. You’re awesome Karin! Thank you!

  6. While I know that nobody gets out of this life unscathed by their own mistakes now and again, I truly believe we are here to love and encourage one another. People grow when they feel loved. People become better poets when they feel heard and encouraged. This is why I never critique my fellow poets. Even if I were some expert, which I am not, I don't think that will help people as much as offering words of encouragement and love for their art. I think Matt did a wonderful job here, explaining that perspective. It's one reason I feel so at home among the people in this family of poets. Thank you Matt, and all the poets who make this group so awesome!

    1. Art is so beautiful in its subjectivity and random in expression I’m not sure anyone could really be an expert at what we do! It just keeps getting better in different ways! Really appreciate your kind words JT.

  7. We should always try treating others as we want to be treated


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