Tuesday, 6 February 2024

Invisible Poets Anthology

Just so you know... Invisible Poets is celebrating its first birthday this week. The Facebook poetry group, which at the time or writing has over 25,000 members, was set up by Charlene Phare and Steve Wheeler on February 11, 2023. It has grown exponentially thanks to the marvellous Admin and Moderator team has remained safe, active and vibrant. 

To mark the first anniversary, the first Invisible Poets Anthology has been published - in paperback, hardcover and Kindle editions. We chose 350 poems to feature in the book. The selection process was quite rigorous, so the poems you read when you open the pages will be some of the best that currently exist on Facebook poetry groups. That's quite a bold claim, but I don't make it blithely. Here's the process...

First, only poems that have featured on one of the Live Poets Society shows were considered. To be performed on the show in the first place, a poem must stand out, be unique and have an emotional impact on the hosts who select the poems each week. The poems in the list are all special in their own ways. Secondly, from this list of more than 800 poems, only the best of the best of these were selected to be included in the book. The anthology poems are diverse in style, and eclectic in their subject matter. There is literally something for everyone in the anthology.

What is even better is this... for every book sold, whether from Amazon, or from one of the online stores such as Waterstones (UK), Barnes and Noble (USA) or direct from Wheelsong Books, a worldwide charity called Save the Children will receive the same donation. This is for children caught up in disaster areas or war zones. Save the Children provide food, medicine and medical care, clothing and shelter and education opportunities for children in crisis. Wheelsong Books has been proud to be associated with the charity for the last 2 years. 

So, this anthology is not only jammed packed full of wonderful, insipiring poetry in its 300 pages, it is also doing some good for little ones who are in desperate need. What is stopping you from buying one or more copies of this beautiful book?

Steve Wheeler

Image copyright by Wheelsong Books


  1. I’m excited for this! Thank you, Steve.

  2. Honoured to have had four selected. Thank you

    1. Congratulations Donna and rightfully so!

  3. Like Donna I'm so grateful to be included. Thanks to all the contributors and admi and moderators who are invaluable. And particular thanks to Charlene and Steve. Happy reading!

    Terry Bridges 7/2/2024

  4. Congratulations Invisible Poets! Hard to believe a year has past. Thank you Steve, to you and your team for diligently creating a book for such a worthy cause!And, thank you for my humble contribution. Let's help feed the little ones today! Universal Peace & Love 🪷

  5. I do hope that anyone reading this blog knows that this isn’t the typical poetry Anthology. The quality of poetry, as well as the craft behind the pages of the book itself, speaks to the premiere work that Wheelsong has always adhered to…. with a heart for charity and master craft poetry that soars above the rest.

  6. Anxiously awaiting the arrival of mine. Thank you for such an illuminating and exciting article concerning the next master craft Wheelsong Anthology of poetry Steve!


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