Friday, 12 January 2024

Paraprosdokian: How to use it

As many of you know language is a powerful tool that allows us to express our thoughts, ideas, and inner emotions. Within the vast realm of rhetoric lies a fascinating figure of speech called paraprosdokian. Although not considered a device many find this witty technique as significant. With its unexpected twists and surprising endings, paraprosdokian adds a touch of humor and thought-provocation to the spoken or written word. In this blog I’m crafting we will explore the significance of paraprosdokian and delve into a few examples that showcase its unique charm.

Paraprosdokian is a figure of speech that involves a sudden shift in meaning or a clever twist at the end of a phrase or sentence. It catches the listener or reader off guard, oftentimes creating a humorous or thought-provoking effect. By defying what’s expected and subverting conventional linguistic patterns, paraprosdokian adds an element of surprise to the reader as well as an intriguing approach to what it’s trying to convey. I’ve used this technique countless times especially when I used to write humorous scripts for my friends claymation plannings. 

One of the primary reasons paraprosdokian is significant is its ability to evoke surprise. We oftentimes are wired to seek patterns and make assumptions based on our past experiences as well as our knowledge of what should be. Paraprosdokian capitalizes on this tendency and takes full advantage by setting up a familiar pattern or expectation and then abruptly shattering it. The resulting surprise triggers a delightful response, capturing attention as well as ultimately a stimulating engagement.

Paraprosdokian is very often associated with humor and wit. The unexpected twist in these linguistic constructions can generate laughter, as the listener's mind adjusts from one interpretation to another. The element of surprise, combined with the clever wordplay, tickles our sense of humor and leaves us amused. Many comedians and humorists frequently employ paraprosdokians effectively to inject their performances with comedic brilliance.

Beyond its comedic appeal, paraprosdokian serves as a tool for thought-provocation. By disrupting the anticipated flow of words, it challenges our preconceived notions and encourages us to think more deeply. Paraprosdokians prompt us to reevaluate our assumptions and consider alternative perspectives. They can be used to convey social commentary, irony, or even to highlight contradictions, making them a valuable device for critical thinking and reflection.

A few examples of Paraprosdokian:

1. "I asked the doctor if I would ever be able to run like a gorilla. He replied, 'Of course! Just not during my office hours.'"

-The twist in this example lies in the fact that the doctor's response seems to address the question positively at first, but ultimately implies that the person should not run like a gorilla during the doctor's office hours.

2. "I'm not a complete idiot. Some parts are missing."

-This statement initially seems self-deprecating, implying that the speaker lacks intelligence. However, the twist comes when they reveal that they are aware of their shortcomings, suggesting that they are not entirely foolish.

3. "I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

-This sentence creates a total paradox by implying a change in the speaker's indecisiveness. The unexpected twist lies in the fact that their uncertainty extends even to their claim of being less indecisive.

Paraprosdokian, with its unexpected endings and surprising twists, adds a touch of whimsy, wit, and thought provocation to our language. By defying expectations and challenging our assumptions, paraprosdokians definitely captivate our attention and can leave a lasting impact. Whether in humor, social commentary, or everyday conversation, this technique invites us to revel in the beauty of linguistic surprises and embrace the power of unexpected endings. So, the next time you encounter a paraprosdokian, allow yourself to be delighted by its clever wordplay and revel in the joy of linguistic surprises. I also encourage those interested to give this a go. Don’t worry you have full permission, other than from everyone else. 

By: Brandon Adam Haven 

Meme created by Chris Cunitz used with permission. 


  1. Imelda Zapata Garcia12 January 2024 at 22:42

    Paraprosdokian Prompt;


    Buried neath fodder for millenia,  deep under towers of steel
    Covered by earthen gargantuan,  intert
    in a comatose drop
    Burgeoning power of Angels, wings of a chrysalis feel
    Born in a moment of wonder, pausing for
    breathing to stop

    Slumbering hum of a whisper, hushed
    in the still of the night
    Cicada in mid of December, when icicles
    seem to crop
    Avowal of tomorrow to remember,  below
    nether regions of sight
    Born in a moment of wonder, pausing for breathing to stop

    Dormant, this bevy of beauty, stuck there
    collecting some dust
    Aphonia, oh Monarch of longing, wishing
    the watching could flop
    Bound by impending of promise, aspires
    a sweltering climb
    Born in a moment of wonder, pausing for
    breathing to stop

    Imelda Zapata Garcia

    1. Next level writing. Imelda… Wow!

  2. Next level lesson Brandon! I’m blown away with the quirky concept behind paraprosdokian… a term that not only challenges my brain but tortures my tounge! I love it and intend on trying this application of opposites myself. Thank you for the lesson wisened colleague!

  3. I'm guessing the actual title of this poem is a Paraprosdokian, written after the first time Holy Communion in our church was presided over by a woman. Perhaps also the text, exploring the rich and paradoxical symbolism of the communion service is an example (if I've understood the meaning of the term correctly!)

    Written in 1994

    The Same Difference
    (For J.L)

    No male or female
    in Christ (at last).
    First within these walls
    to see this enacted,
    we sat, hushed.

    No pins dropped
    as priestess to priest,
    passed the blest elements.
    The same Spirit came
    with gentle stealth among us
    and lived within
    the sacramental acts.

    The bread, broken;
    healing flowing
    from hand to cupped hand.
    A rending yet a bonding
    of body to body
    by the fragmented flesh.

    The clack and tap of the cup
    passed from lip to parted lip.
    The bitter-sweet liquid, tipped and sipped
    is fluid forgiveness, wherein our sin
    slips and thins
    to nothing.

    The soft wafting of music
    sharing the oscillations
    with the drowsy murmur
    of a child
    lost in sleep.
    The bubbling froth of mirth,
    lurking beneath the
    surfaces, silently smiling,
    of souls who know
    anew their wholeness.

    The same as ever.
    No difference -
    and yet how different
    in its sameness!

    In Christ.
    Split bread; broken body.
    All one.
    Spilt blood; sipped cup.
    One and the same.
    Female feeds male priest.
    (Feed male, female priest).
    No difference.

    All things, reckoned as different
    Reconciled as one.

    Iain Strachan


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