Tuesday, 12 December 2023

Wheelsong Books Review of 2023

2023 has been an amazing year for Wheelsong Books. I established the company in 2020 during the early months of the pandemic, basically for something to do. I set it up as a not-for-profit company to promote new and emerging voices in poetry, and also to raise much needed funds for Save the Children - a global relief charity. 

What did Wheelsong do in 2023? 

January saw the publication of the first book in the Symphoniya de Toska trilogy by American writer Marten Hoyle. Its January 19th publication coincided with the birthday of one of his favourite poets, Edgar Allen Poe. Marten's second publication was released on April 9th, the birthday of Charles Baudelaire, and the final instalment was published to coincide with the birthday of another of Marten's favourite dark writers, H. P. Lovecraft, on August 20th. How's that for symbolism?

In late February, together with my good friend Charlene Phare the Facebook group Invisible Poets was launched. The name was an ironic swipe at the fact that most poets go unnoticed and uncelebrated even though they may actually be quite brilliant (and in many cases better than those who are well-known, highly visible, published poets. The group quickly flourished, and now, at the time of writing this post, has reached 15,000 members. 

Also in February, Tunisian bard Rafik Romdhani released his third book, Vapour of the Mind through the Wheelsong Books label. As in previous books, Rafik excels in the use of rich imagery, metaphor and awesome insights into his life in North Africa. 

In March Wheelsong Books announced the call for poems for Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 2. The anthology was published in April with a stunning cover photograph (courtesy of Kerry Cole) and sold quite nicely, raising around £450 ($565) for Save the Children. As with all Wheelsong Books, it is still available on Amazon and other online outlets worldwide. In the same month I published a book called Nocturne, which featured a lot of poetry about the night, sleep and dreams, and darkness. 

In June, Matt Elmore's first poetry collection, the sublime Constellation Road was published and this was followed closely in July by Imelda Garcia's debut collection Beyond the Pyre for Wheelsong. Both books contain some stratospheric poetry, and both deserve a wide readership for their brilliance. 

September saw the publication of Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 3, which featured a stunning image by photographer Lynda Clifton. Containing over 200 poems from more than 100 poets, Anthology 3 has already sold 400 copies and continues to be available. We have so far donated £750 ($940) to Save the Children for their relief initiatives from the sales of this book.

December saw the publication of Brandon Adam Haven's second poetry book, This Broken Home, which is a darkly gothic collection of somewhat disturbing poetry and horror flash fiction. If you intend to read this book alone, I strongly advise you to keep all your lights on. 

We also relaunched Live Poets Society, which now goes out live twice each week, on Friday at 8pm (UK time) and on Tuesday at 3pm (US Eastern time). Viewing numbers have been on the increase, which this shows a healthy interest in the spoken word and live performance poetry.

The Wheelsong Books blog was also launched in the summer, with regular posts about poetry from me, alongside Matt Elmore, Brandon Adam Haven and Charlene Phare, alongside guest posts. It has so far attracted almost 30,000 views and there are some amazing, thought provoking posts on all aspects of poetry and creative writing. 

That was 2023. Let's raise a glass to the coming year and do our best to keep poetry remains alive and kicking. Wheelsong Books has a long list of publications waiting in the wings, including two more anthologies!

Steve Wheeler


  1. Imelda Zapata Garcia12 December 2023 at 22:12

    A wonderful year indeed! Thanks to you Steve Wheeler, for the hard work and dedication!

  2. This is, from a scribblers viewpoint, one of the best things ever on Facebook

  3. I am perpetually honored to work with such a motivated team of talented souls. You have planted a most potent and beautiful seed Steve. It has been such a thrilling year in so many ways for so many people touched by Wheelsong. May it continue to flourish for many years to come!

  4. Thanks to Wheelsongbooks for being anamazing poetry publishing outfit. Up you, guys!!

  5. Amazing work and achievement. Glad to have had some of my work included. Hope future books are a greater success. I will def be buying them.


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