Monday, 4 December 2023

The Invisible Poets Manifesto

Several people have asked me why Invisible Poets was set up. It happened in early March 2023, when along with Wheelsong Books ambassador Charlene Phare, I set up Invisible Poets as a public Facebook group. Within days, we had a hundred members, and within weeks it had become more than one thousand. Now growing at the rate of around 1000 each week, Invisible seems to have become one of the premier poetry groups on Facebook. The standard of poetry is high, and although there are issues to deal with (as in any large public Facebook group) there are plenty of positives to reflect on, and plenty of new initiatives to look forward to in 2024!

For those who don't yet know what we are about, and who are still asking why Invisible Poets was created, here is the Invisible Poets Manifesto in 6 key points:

1. Always give more than you take. You have a gift, which has been freely given to you. Now give back generously to others in return. 

2. Invisible Poets in an 'underground' movement. Don't try to seek fame or fortune. In poetry, you're unlikely to achieve either. Simply seek to leave the world in a better state than you found it. 

3. Use kind words to speak your truth. Kindness is more powerful than harshness, and speaks a deeper truth than animosity. 

4. Poetry has an eternal quality. Make sure the words you speak and write are worthy of being preserved long after you are gone. 

5. Reach out beyond your comfort zone to connect and collaborate with others. You may create something beautiful together you could never have achieved alone. 

6. No-one should ever be left behind. Our group is a family, and every member matters. Draw alongside those who may need your support. 

Steve Wheeler 

Founder of Invisible Poets and Wheelsong Books 

November 2023


  1. What a beautiful write up, Steve. The heart of this group beats loudly because of your guidance. Thank you 🙏🏼 for all the support and work in helping others. Indeed, recognition, of your poetic footprint along with your love of giving shall live on!
    Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    1. Thank you Karin. It's great to have you as one of our first moderators of the group.

  2. Invisible poets is gaining strength in numbers every day. Wonder where it will be by its anniversary. X

    1. Who knows Donna! As I write, we have just welcolmed 1500 new members in the last week...

  3. This encapsulates everything we do! Proud to be a part of it!

    1. Proud to have you as one of our first Admin Matt.

  4. Imelda Zapata Garcia5 December 2023 at 03:16

    Your generous heart has propelled the groups which you've touched with your brilliance, into unrivaled space. Thank you Steve, for creating these amazing platforms. Thanks to everyone in administration work tirelessly s


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