Friday, 29 December 2023


Albert Einstein once said: 'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results'. Well, firstly, it might not have been Einstein who said this. Secondly, if it was, in this case he didn't know what he was talking about; and thirdly, this statement clearly doesn't apply to art, and even if it did, many artists are insane anyway, so it doesn't matter. Take the case of Andy Warhol and his multiple pop art depictions of objects and famous people like the one of Marilyn Monroe above. Insane or genius? Warhol's technique wasn't so much repetition, but iteration.

Iteration is a word borrowed from mathematics and computing. Iteration is where the same process or formula is repeated again and again in order to achieve a closer approximation to the solution of a problem. Usually, for example in the coding of an AI model, a small change is made for each iteration to improve the outcome. In the real world we might say 'Try, try and try again...'

Let's face it, in poetry, we craft our art using nebulous and imperfect objects... words, phrases, sentences, rhymes, tempo, meaning. If anything outside of mathematics could possibly benefit from iteration, it would be poetry.

There are few, if any poets who can write a poem straight off the bat, with no edits or changes. Many would claim they can do it, but most are liars. I often write a draft, leave it, and then return an hour, a day or a week later, to iterate it. To polish it up, write more, remove a line or a verse. And then I thought... what if I can write several versions of the same poem, in different sequences, to see what effect that might have on my creative expression? 

Here's an example of that process of iteration, using the same words, in five different iterations... 


At fever pitch
a muddy ditch
annoying twitch
a burning itch

I run a mile
a heavy trial
I try to smile
and all the while

I set the tone
pick up the phone
sink like a stone
I'm not alone

We talk for hours
we drink in bars
I send her flowers
the world is ours

NB: this version is fairly basic, simply four quatrains of end rhymes really. I wasn't happy with it as it felt a bit of a lazy effort.



At fever pitch
I run a mile

a muddy ditch
a heavy trial

annoying twitch
I try to smile

a burning itch
and all the while

Pick up the phone
We talk for hours

I set the tone
we drink in bars

sink like a stone
I send her flowers

I'm not alone
the world is ours

NB: Hmmm...not fully convinced by the structure of this. Do the couplets work? However, I've mixed up the lines to see what emerges, and it's an interesting development...



At fever pitch we talk for hours
a muddy ditch we drink in bars
annoying twitch I send her flowers
a burning itch the world is ours

I run a mile pick up the phone
a heavy trial I set the tone
I try to smile sink like a stone
and all the while I'm not alone

NB: This version  seems to flow well  and the end rhymes work well, but I was still not satisfied with the structure. 



At fever pitch we talk for hours
we drink in bars a muddy ditch
annoying twitch I send her flowers
the world is ours a burning itch

pick up the phone I run a mile
a heavy trial I set the tone
sink like a stone I try to smile
and all the while I'm not alone

NB: This version, I think, is better. It has a pleasant ABAB rhyme scheme, and the internal rhymes also align to provide line balance. It's not perfect though... one more iteration maybe...



We talk for hours at fever pitch
pick up the phone I run a mile
sink like a stone a muddy ditch
we drink in bars I try to smile
I send her flowers I set the tone
a heavy trial annoying twitch
the world is ours I'm not alone
and all the while a burning itch 

NB: Even this final version is imperfect. What art is? But it tells a story, it has a flow and it has enough intrigue perhaps to draw in some readers.

Steve Wheeler © 28 December, 2023


Which of these five versions do you prefer? On what are you basing your choice? Maybe you don't like any of them. Here's the key question for you: would this process of iteration or re-working of a poem offer you an improved creative expression for your writing? Have a go! I would love to see your results in the comments section below. 

Steve Wheeler 


  1. This is a most intriguing term… not quite a “rewrite” but a sequence of them to determine the best outcome. I like the one where it ends as “the world is ours”… yet the final form seems to work best due to the even flow. I’ll have to try this… a fascinating device to add to the list! Thanks Steve!

  2. This is fascinating Steve and such a thought provoking blog. I’m going to experiment with Iterating my articulations.

  3. You’re right as always Steve!! Iteration is the way to go to tighten up the screws!! Here’s my results… I started with a limerick, went to quatrains, and settled on a triolet. Which do you prefer?

    liver and onions (1)

    liver and onions make me sick
    so dry they get stuck in my throat
    they reach my belly
    bounce back up willy nilly
    sea sick on a gravy boat

    liver and onions make me sick
    my dad made me eat it; the brute!
    it stained my pride
    he tanned my hide
    I threw up on his partner’s business suit!

    liver and onions (2)

    liver and onions make me sick
    that meat so bland and dry!
    my father sadistically set it before me
    just to make me cry!

    the gravy the onions the driest of the dry
    nothing about it is appetizing to me
    I’d rather have beef or chicken or fish
    I find nothing about retching funny

    so take that rubbish out of my sight
    go throw it over the fence!
    I doubt even dogs would eat any of that
    it smells and tastes of repugnance!

    liver and onions (3)

    that liver and onions make me sick
    so wretched is that flavor to my tongue!
    father didn’t believe me until retched
    that liver and onions make me sick
    a response unwanted obvious and quick
    one proven not so fun
    that liver and onions make me sick
    so wretched is that flavor to my tongue!

    ©️penned by: m.e.
    december 28 2023

  4. Steve - I like 1st, then bounced to 3, felt complete and balanced then jumped to (4) and stayed THERE. ✍️😀 And Matt E.
    I transferred my comment from earlier. OH, I'll give it a go but it may take awhile....
    I like #2 but we had liver and onions this morning... ( I won't dog on liver and onions... I said, DOG lol

    I welcome liver and onions
    My palette devours each taste
    Some do not they leave in a haste
    The smell is enticingly strong
    Must have sauteed onions and mushrooms as well.
    Always with mashed potatoes and mushroom-ed soaked gravy.
    My stomach was empty, that dish saved me.
    Liver and onions are yummilicious
    And savory.
    Mmm.... 😋
    I even bought an extra for later
    Sheila G
    P.S. Mushrooms are veggies, onions too and liver is great protein your body needs too.

    Matt -
    I like #2 but we had liver and onions this morning... ( I won't dog on liver and onions... I said, DOG lol

    I welcome liver and onions
    My palette devours each taste
    Some do not they leave in a haste
    The smell is enticingly strong
    Must have sauteed onions and mushrooms as well.
    Always with mashed potatoes and mushroom-ed soaked gravy.
    My stomach was empty, that dish saved me.
    Liver and onions are yummilicious
    And savory.
    Mmm.... 😋
    I even bought an extra for later
    Sheila G
    P.S. Mushrooms are veggies, onions tooand liver is great protein your body needs too.

  5. I wanted 'my long comment' back to your interations lol
    That worked out wrong.... Oops....

  6. Here it is.....
    I like #2 but we had liver and onions this morning... ( I won't dog on liver and onions... I said, DOG lol

    I welcome liver and onions
    My palette devours each taste
    Some do not they leave in a haste
    The smell is enticingly strong
    Must have sauteed onions and mushrooms as well.
    Always with mashed potatoes and mushroom-ed soaked gravy.
    My stomach was empty, that dish saved me.
    Liver and onions are yummilicious
    And savory.
    Mmm.... 😋
    I even bought an extra for later, take home. Gag now lol
    Sheila G
    P.S. Mushrooms are veggies, onions too and liver is great protein your body needs too.

  7. Steve Wheelers' 'ITERARY' response:
    I'll give it a try-

    1. - New Year Expectations

    Shall I sleep right through it
    Or hide away and just commit
    Life has its turns and twists
    We can never resist
    Music will blare
    Should we care
    Scream till we do
    Make others aware.

    2.- Expectations of a New Year

    Sleeping away the New Year, again
    Never seems to have a perfect end
    Hiding and not committing
    Through lifes twists and turns
    With every lesson we have learned
    Music will always blare
    As we try to sleep upstairs
    Should we care
    Making others aware
    Their expectations are made clear.

    3. New Years are
    Always Expectations

    It's a NEW YEAR, almost
    From coast to coast
    We should make it the most
    Sleeping it away another day
    Hide through it and not commit
    While life twist and turns
    We must admit and give a shit
    With every lessons learned
    We take on another turn
    Should we care to make others aware
    Expectations are another dare.

    .©️Sheila Grenon December, 28 '23'
    Which did YOU like better?
    Happy NEW Year blessings, ALL.. ALMOST! 2024 🫂✝️

  8. Mine is ABOVE, Poetess, Sheila G and I forgot to leave my name, there is no edit button available. Thank you, Steve! Great lesson again.... ✍️💜
    I tried but couldn't break it down in different poetry forms. I'll try when I'm some place easier to think and feel... Blessings ALL, Sheila G


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