Friday, 6 October 2023

Open Mic Poetry Top 10 List

Many working poets take it upon themselves to make a grass roots effort to get out there and work those poems… make them sing. Sell some books. Yet it’s not always easy to translate from the desk to the stage. I’d like to write a bit about this…

The other night I read at a house party. As a published poet…. I am selling my book Constellation Road, as well as the newest Wheelsong Poetry Anthology Three. I thought this was the best way to get some practice in before some coffee houses and library gigs, as well as full fledge street poet style, which is not out of the question. I’d leave that blog to Steve Wheeler for street poets!

The poetry reading was a great success, and I learned some valuable lessons other than lightening the load of my book box.

Stepping out in front of people takes guts. It’s not easy to avoid tripping over your own tongue. Here’s a top ten list to consider before hitting the open mic poetry stage…


#1 Be Prepared. 

Know which poems you are going to read and be able to get to them instantly.

#2 Know Where To Place Inflections. 

Performance poetry has its ups and downs in volume, has succinct pronunciations, and intentional breaks…. Know where these are when you read for maximum effect.

#3 Make Eye Contact.

Keeping engaged with your audience keeps them engaged with you.

#4 Be Passionate

Just as you can tell musicians are really into the song and their joy is infectious, tap into this as well. Use your hands! Use your body! Move! Have facial expressions! Express!

#5 Get To The Skinny

Remember you are there to read poems not talk. Maybe a little something something to mention… but stick to the poetry, thank you, and outta there.

#6 No Distractions

Stay focused. Anybody on stage has to react to audience… or not. If you do… keep it short and polite.

#7 Stay Professional

Off color comments can lead you down wrong turn roads real fast…. Stay professional always and you can’t go wrong.

#8 Put Your Books Right In Front Of You

I am very shy about selling things. This was my BIGGEST TAKEAWAY. I didn’t mention I had books for sale. I sold a number of them… near the end of the night! Oops! So… set them out and mention them! 

#9 Pick Your Best

Some poems don’t translate so well as performance pieces while others are fantastic! Choose which ones work for you best.

#10 Have Fun!

Most important… people can tell if you are nervous, yet folks are also moved by confidence. Be proud of yourself, step up there, and have fun with it!


Reading your own work can be incredible! I love what I do, and I think it shows best when I am up there in front of folks reading my poetry! It makes all the hard work worth it.

I’d love to hear from you if you’ve done this before and may have something to add , or even just share. Thank you for reading!

Matt Elmore


  1. Thanks for the advice Matt however I’m far from being good enough to perform my poetry anywhere

    1. Hi Sean! I believe we all have our own voices equally as poets, whether within performance pieces or even just writing poems… which is what it all comes down to…. just coming up with something good is more than enough! If you’re writing Sean you’re alright with me. Thanks for reading!

  2. Great suggestions, Matt! I do find it helpful to make a bridge between poems rather than just going from one to another. I plan this out, too. I have groups of poems on topics that are geared to specific audiences, i. e., poems about having kids, poems about aging, poems about becoming your parents. It them becomes easy to go from one group together with just a sentence or two., i.e., “Did you ever learn the hard way that you learned everything you know about kids from your parents?” And so on.

    1. Thanks for reading! I’m so happy that you mentioned that because there are so many things to say about so many things there has to be a roadmap through it all…. which really does come down to topical prioritizing! I’ve been starting out dark and going to the lighter and brighter endings! Funny line about parents and so true!

  3. A wonderful blog that k you Matt. I take all of your advice on board. We are all nervous speaking in public but the trick is ot to let it show. Co firenze breeds attention from the audience. Making eye contact is important. I need to show more expression but I'm working g on it. I add lib a few words about myself as they lije you to do at the venue I go to. I'm fairly good at keeping focused. All your other advice is great as well. I just want to get out there again. It's such a thrill when you've Co quered your nerves and done it. Even, if you've fluffed your lines. It's fine e. There'll be other times. The particular place I'm going to again on .onday is run and organised by four volunteer members of the creative writing group there. It's friendly. Wish me luck!

    Terry Bridges 6 October 2023

    1. It really IS about conquering your nerves Terry! It’s a real rush to know that you’ve actually done something that you really love… and that other people see as a valuable art… which is what we produce as poets. The only way people are going to know the power of poetry is if you take it to them! I really appreciate all of your personal stake within this “poetry renaissance”, buddy… as well as all the awesome encouragement you provide to all those invisible poets everywhere!

  4. Loved you're information. I realized a few things that I hadn't thought about. Thank you so much. Victoria

    1. Thank you Victoria! Appreciate your kind words! This WHOLE BLOG IS AMAZING! 🙂

  5. Great stuff Matt. Like anything practice is best. I stand in front of a mirror. If you can see yourself then you are maintaining eye contact with the audience.
    At first I found it difficult to find events. I went to Google and searched on poetry events near me. Found a web site called Eventbrite. Worth a try


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