Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Inspiring the Subconscious

Poetry, with its rhythmic cadence, evocative language, and descriptive imagery possesses a unique ability to touch our hearts and inspire even our subconscious. Reading poetry not only enriches our literary experiences but also influences our own expressions and articulations. In this blog, we will explore the profound impact of poetry on our subconscious and how it shapes our ability to communicate.

1. Awakening the Subconscious Mind

Poetry has a way of at times bypassing our conscious thoughts and reaching deep into our subconscious realms. The vivid imagery, metaphors, and emotions embedded within verses can awaken dormant thoughts and feelings, unlocking hidden aspects of our psyche. As we engage with the words, the subconscious mind absorbs the nuances, allowing us to tap into our own depths of creativity and self-expression. It’s absolutely fascinating. 

2. Inspiring Articulation

Poetry serves as a wellspring of inspiration for our own articulations. By immersing ourselves in the works of skilled poets, we absorb their mastery of language, rhythm, and imagery. This exposure broadens our own linguistic palette and enhances our ability to convey thoughts and emotions with greater depth and beauty.

Example 1: Consider a poem that explores the beauty of nature, describing a serene sunset as "a golden blanket draped over the horizon." Reading such lines can inspire us to articulate our own experiences of nature with vivid metaphors and descriptive language, painting a more vibrant picture for our readers. 

Example 2: A poignant poem about heartbreak may use powerful imagery and emotional language to convey the pain of lost love. Engaging with such poetry can evoke our own emotions and enable us to express our personal heartaches in ways that often resonate deeply with others.

3. Inviting Introspection and Self Discovery

Poetry often delves into the depths of human emotions, relationships, and even existential questions. By reading introspective poems, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. The words act as mirrors, reflecting our own thoughts and experiences. This particular introspection helps us better understand ourselves and our place in the world, ultimately shaping our ability to articulate our innermost thoughts and feelings. The subconscious plays a vital role I know in my own creations.

Example 3: A thought-provoking poem exploring themes of identity and belonging can prompt us to reflect on our own sense of self and our connections to the world. This introspection enables us to articulate our individuality and the complexities of our own existence and have it resonate with others. 

Reading poetry is a transformative experience that goes beyond mere enjoyment of only language and imagery. It awakens our subconscious, inspiring our own articulations and expanding our capacity for self-expression. By immersing ourselves in the profound beauty of poetry, we tap into the depths of our creative potential and discover new ways to communicate our thoughts, emotions, and experiences to the world.

Brandon Adam Haven 

Picture free for fair use from Freepix 


  1. A very interesting blog Brandon. I don't know where some of the lines of the poetry I write come from. Yes, the subconscious depths we all contain within us teaches us lessons about ourselves. And enriches "our linguistic palette" as you say. The act of writing words on a page or a screen stimulates thought and creativity. One word leads to another and extraordinary images and thoughts register in your mind. We can learn much about poetry and the great exponents of it by study and learning their particular constitution. But ultimately I think, certainly in my experience through joining poetry websites like invisible poets where the talent is outstanding, I have learnt to understand and accept myself as a person I like, in spite of my faults. And I've become a better poet. Thanks for all your good work.

    Terry Bridges 27/9/2023

  2. It such a breath of fresh air to read such an article by an author that embraces the vast potential of the subconscious mind and channels it into such a vibrant and relatable medium such as poetry. Your three step examples inspire me to write my own work based on inner revelations. Great work Brandon! Anything you write shines.

  3. Thank you, Brandon for your well defined expressions of the subconscious. Your write ups are always stimulating and I would like to personally thank you for your work!
    Universal Peace & Love 🪷

  4. An eloquently written and incisive piece on the power of the human mind and its poetic out workings.


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