Monday 14 August 2023

Poetry Inspired By Photography


This article should not be taken as irrevocable truth!!! 

When it comes to creating and art, most rules are subjective. They are rather meant to be broken, in order to implement change. Thus, there is always another fresh “movement” of various ideas and implementations. 

Thank heavens… it would be a rather boring world otherwise, wouldn’t it?!


Many poetry groups offer photo prompts as a way of moving poets to write of what they perceive. It is an effective way of inspiring a writer because  it is all right there. Just let the hash fly… detailing descriptions, atmosphere, character development, ambiguities… all the usual content suspects to a writer.

I always considered writing a poem about a photo cheating. All the images are frozen there for a poet to immediately suss out in the moment. Nothing is left to imagination as far as capturing anything that happens after the fact. It is but a snapshot of a memory. 

Many artists like to paint or sketch from a picture. This is how they paint, and more often than not, it comes out amazing. The shade is right on and the colors are appropriate. How can they not be? They are right there…

Photos contain many useful attributes for poets to utilize. Not only content, but the feel of the atmosphere, action , suggestive shapes, and

expressions amongst other things…

Since writing is an evolving craft, writers must evolve with it. Not only in terms of what readers want, but what we as writers want to convey. The amount of information we work with and put out can get stagnant. Thus, the use of any and all provocative processes of our craft should not only be attempted, but REPETITIVELY ENCOURAGED! 


I have gotten over my personal dislike of writing from pictures, and now find it amusing (if not somewhat successful) in creating a crafty keeper. It can be amazing how many particular subjects an imaginative poet can expound upon to be inspired!


Do you write poems from observing pictures? Do you not? Please free to elaborate as to how and why you do… POST YOUR COMMENTS BELOW! I’d love to hear from you. 

Matt Elmore


  1. Thanks for sharing this post Matt. My opinion? I tend not to use images to inspire me to write. The reason is that I can think and imagine in more abstract ways that most images can evoke, and this leads me to writing in a more liberated and creative manner. I feel a little constrained if I have to use an image as a prompt. Many of my abstract poems are nothing more than imagination .... close the eyes and visualise... However, I can see the appeal to others, and images can be an excellent prompt for great poetry.

    1. Thanks for reading this article Steve… I know you are an imagination poet as well… and I have to admit that will always be my default setting! I have come to accept many new ways of interpreting content… your “line by line” exercise in this blog is one of the finest examples of how a quality poets mind works that I have ever read. I truly appreciate this platform to both take in and expound upon.

  2. I find a lot of inspiration for photo prompts. It leads my imagination in an ever widening circle of thoughts and my pen just flows in some of them. I usually do them fairly quickly. However, I do write from personal experience as well. I love trying different methods of poetry as well. I feel anything that helps the poetic mind expand in various ways. I believe it is up to the individual poet in what they use for stimulating the mind to create, that is what makes us all unique. A great article.


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