Monday, 31 July 2023

Pull up a Pantoum

I've shown you around the Villanelle and taught you how to use the Triolet, now let's have a look at how to pull up a Pantoum. What on earth is a Pantoum I hear you ask? It's a poem of any length that is comprised of four line stanzas (quatrains), but there is an interesting little feature in the format.  The second and last lines of each stanza become the first and third lines of the next stanza! More often than not, the poem is concluded by the last line being the same as the first - you go full circle. 

The name Pantoum, might make you think that this type of poem originated in an Arab country. That would be incorrect. Pantoums first emerged in Malaysia in the 15th Century, and a variety of well known writers such as Charles Baudelaire and Victor Hugo were proponents. 

I would like to offer you an example, so to avoid any copyright issues, here's one of my Pantoums:

Once Upon a Time

Could this be us in once upon a time?
Is this a nightmare or a wild dream?
I feel like I’m performing in a pantomime
Is this as crazy as I think it seems?

Is this a nightmare or a wild dream?
My heart is racing like an untamed horse
Is this as crazy as I think it seems?
I need to get back to the source

My heart is racing like an untamed horse
I feel like I’m performing in a pantomime
I need to get back to the source
Could this be us in once upon a time?

Steve Wheeler © 31 March, 2022

As ever, your comments are welcomed, and also any of your own work in Pantoum form - please share in the comments box below. I promise to comment.

Steve Wheeler

Image from Wallpaper Flare shared under a Creative Commons Licence


  1. Oh wow… I love this form and I’m so glad you threw it out there. Your triolet lesson inspired me to write on of my own yesterday, and this one on pantoums has me all fired up to write one as well! Never heard of Baudelaire… will have to check him out! Here’s one I wrote about polka bands… I’m part Slovak so I couldn’t help myself…! Ommpa paaa…!

    houzer’s schnauzers and the polka pounders

    let’s go dance to that good old polka band!!
    houzer’s schnauzers and the polka pounders…
    counting to two; couples bounce on so grand
    stepping on fast feet, tripping on trousers!

    houzer’s schnauzers and the polka pounders…
    little old ladies slide by again smooth as gravy
    stepping on fast feet, tripping on trousers!
    old men drinking beer and laughing like crazy

    little old ladies slide by again smooth as gravy
    as blurps and bleeps unwind in tuba time
    old men drinking beer and laughing like crazy
    at toilet paper dragging from one guy’s behind

    louder and louder, accordions and drums!
    counting to two; couples bounce on so grand
    who cares where “just because” comes from…
    let’s go dance to that good old polka band!!

    ©️penned by: m.e.
    may 17 2023

  2. Russell Jacklin2 August 2023 at 12:31

    Khartoum Pantoum

    General Gordon of Khartoum, stood proudly tall,
    A hero with a warrant, the Queen's crucial call,
    Hold Khartoum, only in your death shall it fall
    Defend with conviction, no indecision at all

    A hero with a warrant, the Queen's crucial call,
    Gordon sought peace in Victoria’s name,
    Defend with conviction, no indecision at all
    Courageously, he endorsed this royal proclaim.

    Gordon sought peace in Victoria’s name,
    Through countless battles, he would prevail,
    Courageously, he endorsed this royal proclaim.
    But in the Sudanese darkness, Mahdists assail.

    Through countless battles, he would prevail,
    His military legacy became the troop's insurance,
    But in the Sudanese darkness, Mahdists assail.
    He was killed for want of parliamentary coherence.

    His military legacy became the troop's insurance,
    General Gordon of Khartoum, stood proudly tall,
    He was killed for want of parliamentary coherence.
    Hold Khartoum, only in your death shall it fall

  3. Bluebelle Wood

    The bell is ubiquitous within the wood,
    Forming an ethereal carpet of violet blue.
    Each sweet-smelling flower nods, a one-sided inflorescence,
    Dazzling my vision with their deepest hue.

    Forming an ethereal carpet of violet blue,
    Oscillating on either side of the path I tread.
    Dazzling my vision with their dusky hue,
    They coat the ground as their beauty spreads.

    Oscillating on either side of the path I tread,
    An iridescent sheen, lustrously glistening between the trees.
    They coat the ground as their beauty spreads,
    Each fallen petal fliting and floating in the breeze.

    An iridescent sheen, lustrously glistening between the trees,
    Shadows slip and steal between the canopy and branches.
    Each fallen petal fliting and floating in the breeze,
    Forming dappled sunbeams as they cavort and dance.

    Shadows slip and steal between the canopy and branches,
    Light and dark rays intertwining in mutual contrast.
    Forming dappled sunbeams as they cavort and dance,
    This wondrous vision before me I hope would last.

    © Donna Smith 03/08/2023

    1. Evocative verse Donna. You took you straight there..


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