Tuesday, 11 July 2023

Found poetry

In a follow up on a previous post on this blog, I would like to introduce and develop the idea of 'found poetry'.  If you're really strapped for inspiration to write a poem, and your muse seems to have deserted you... try found poetry

Yes... found poetry. As the name implies, you need to look for it. It can be hidden anywhere, and it's in plain sight. It's a little like cut-up poetry. Take any text you can find .... it can be an old newspaper or magazine article, or text from a book, or even a restaurant menu. Just about any printed text will do. 

Next, sit down with a highlighter pen, and begin to seek lines, sentences, words and phrases that will constitute your found poem. You can do this with the highlighter, as I have in the photo above... or if you prefer, use a dark marker pen to blot out words you don't want to use. 

In the image above, I used a page from an old university alumni magazine. The resulting poem, I think, is quite pleasing... it has rhythm and rhyme, and it actually makes sense in a quirky kind of way. 

I have written at least half a dozen (no... make that six) poems in this fashion. It doesn't take long once you've mastered the skill of spotting lines and phrases that can fit together. It may not work for you first time, but do persevere and let's see what you can come up with!

I welcome comments as ever, in the comment section below.

Steve Wheeler


  1. Imelda Zapata Garcia11 July 2023 at 20:27

    This is a wonderful way to use one's imagination with the printed words.

    1. Glad you appreciate this Imelda. Keep coming back to this blog. We are constantly writing new posts to share ideas and inspirations for readers.

  2. Deeply grateful for this Steve.

  3. The term ‘found’ in found poetry takes on a special relevance here in your poem. Within the announcement of alumni coming once again together to renew old bonds you’ve found words which sadly tend to confirm a worn path too many choose to follow in life - assuming that being an adult necessarily means that the inner child must be forgotten, abandoned. This tendency is strongly reinforced in a society which insists that a man must never show emotion.

    1. Thanks Tom. It's amazing what we can unearth if we pay close attention to the sub-text. This found poem is one I'm particularly fond of, given my years working in academia and the knowledge of life behind the façade.

  4. What a cool idea! This could get interesting flipping content on something crazy like a tabloid article, a church bulletin, or even a dear john letter… a famous speech… a governmental bylaw… the possibilities are endless!

  5. From found into more profound poetry. A wonderful idea, Steve !


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