Thursday, 22 June 2023

Read Me A Song!

 Read me a song and I’ll sing you a poem! 

Some folks tend to get confused when I refer to my poems as my songs. What’s the big diff? A bigger nose… smaller toes? All upon the same beautiful body…?

The lines between poetry, literature, and music tend to share the same fabric, only to create different colored clothing for what seems to be the same purpose… expression and entertainment.

Ray Charles was once asked what he liked about country music. He said, “The stories man, the stories! Isn’t that what poets do? Don’t we write stories as well? Our poems are not linear in terms of chronology, plot, and character development…. yet they do share story characteristics. 

Stories, song lyrics, poems… there’s some bouncy correlations there, are there not?

Then there’s the music itself… expressions of light and shade… crescendos and quiet movements…. communicating emotions with notes that move our spirit and fire our imaginations. Piano concertos, blazing guitar solos, roaring horn sections, ukuleles (yes… ukuleles!!!) … they ALL evoke emotions of some sort! They soothe, excite, dance, reflect cultures… Is that not what poems do?

So why are poems not as popular as pop music or the latest on big time best seller lists? Why are there not coffee houses and auditoriums bursting at the seams with poets singing their songs? Websites and merchandise going into orbit with success and renown poets of golden recognition being knighted and decorated by governments around the world? Is poetry really that underground?

Yes it is.

Then why are you reading this?! 

I have a feeling it’s because you care. You care about words like expression, perspective, and emotion. You long to fire your imagination and stimulate senses beyond the physicality world. You want to be a part of something bigger than most of the drivel you hear on popular radio or read in magazines rife with nonsense about this and nonsense about that. 

You want focus. You want quality. You want diversity. You want POETRY!!!!

Now there is quality music and books out there... There are beautiful manifestations of art in so many forms… sculpture, architecture, even murals extemporaneously spray painted on box cars or on the walls of inner city building…  even to the commissioned immaculate variety. But is poetry? No! 

Poetry represents a valued medium that has every right to be right up there with the popular celebrations of the works of Michelangelo, Mozart, or the Beatles. Bob Dylan’s songs were poetry in themselves, which brings us right back to where we started… what’s the big diff?

For me… there is none.

Please feel free to share your ideas in the comments below. I would LOVE to hear some of your thoughts on this subject! 

More to come…

Matthew Elmore


  1. Great, thoughtful and insightful post Matt. I look forward to reading more of your analysis of our art form.

    1. Thanks Steve! There’s more where that came from. I’m hopeful that readers will engage here and let me know what they think.

    2. Great write! I, too, second Steve in saying I look forward to reading more!
      Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    3. Thank you so much!! 🙂

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your perspective. I myself find my writing lyrical, especially when writing while playing a favorite piece of music. Poetry is indeed musical.

    1. Thank you my friend! As I engage more and more within social media with writers and artists… I am becoming more aware of our collective passion to create and offer the world something unique and eanigful through our individual perspectives. Thank you for reading. Much more to come!

    2. I agree.
      Universal Peace & Love 🪷

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with this. I am a poet/performance poet/rapper. My word's work with or without music. A poem is still a poem whether it has music as a backdrop or not. Peace and love Ben

    1. Yes!! I’m so happy I have found a kindred spirit in this… most musicians I have ever met seem to have a poets soul in there somewhere. Some more than others provided what they are in it all for. Rapping is so awesome because of the flow and content... it is about one of the most poetic musical art forms out there simply because along with the beats… the lyrics are what drives the song. I appreciate your comment Ben! Hope to hear from you again!

  4. The only difference between A SONG & POETRY is the music. Strip away the music and read the lyrics as you would recite a poetry you can't tell the difference.
    The general music enthusiast would be attracted to the melody / music. If they love it and would want to sing it. Only then they'll really pay attention to the lyrics.
    As for me being a poet... I usually pay attention to the lyrics FIRST.... and if the music is within my singing capability... Only then will I REALLY look into the structure of the music.
    I think it all comes down to whether you are a poet or music lover FIRST. That's my two cents worth of thoughts😁

    1. Absolutely agree with you fellow night owl! It really does come down to if music moves you more than passionate words… performance poetry sings to me. I’ve often heard the singer IS the song… and that thought certainly applies to this particular topic. I’m happy you joined in my friend and hope you stick around for some more scintillating topics that relate to our beautiful art of words.

    2. Personally, an artist ‘sees and hears’ All within Their universe. Each has his/her own take on music and poetry. For, myself, it comes down to sensations and not separations.
      Universal Peace & Love 🪷

    3. Sensations and not separations…. What a wonderful way of putting that… it says anonymous but I know that’s you Karin. thank you for the illumination! 100 agreed..


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