Thursday 29 June 2023

Live Poets Society

Remember that fabulous film with Robin Williams as a teacher of English literature at a stuffy American private school? What was it called...? Ah yes. Dead Poets Society. They studied poets like Walt Whitman (wait, what man?), who was long since in his grave, never to pen another poem again. Dead poets.

American poets such as Whitman, Edgar Poe, Emily Dickinson and Henry Longfellow blazed a trail across the United States ... from Robert Frost through to the notable Beat Poets of the fifties and sixties such as Allen Ginsberg, Gregory Corso and latterly Lawrence Ferlinghetti and the blessed Maya Angelou

They are all dead. Their quills will squeak on parchment no more. Their typewriters are silent. They are ex-poets. Shuffled off this mortal coil (William Shakespeare of course)... and gone to join the heavenly choir in the sky (Monty Python). OK. I'll shut up.

All I want to draw your attention to is this...  There are plenty of us still alive. We are poets and we are writing poetry even today. Let's give it a voice, a platform, an audience. Let's make a live television show where all of your wonderful poetry can be read out... nay performed... live on Facebook. 

Oh, wait. We are already doing it. Every Friday, live on Invisible Poets, at 7pm UK time. 

It's an event you don't want to miss. Oh sure, you can watch it on playback later if you wish, on several groups including Passion of Poetry, Wheelsong Poetry, Pure Poetry, and Poetry UK to name a few. But there's nothing quite like a live performance to rattle your muse. There's nothing like a live poetry reading to get the literary juices flowing. It's inspirational. It's wonderful. It's.... and... it's yours. That's just one more reason to join Invisible Poets Facebook group as soon as you possibly can. Or sooner.

Steve Wheeler

You can join Invisible Poets by following this link.

Image from Wikimedia Commons


  1. I’m not dead yet!!! — Matt “seize the day” Elmore 🙂

  2. Poetry Recital? I'm all for it!

  3. I remember the first time I joined you and other poets, Steve. It was a thrill to read alongside other poets from different parts of the world. You have blessed us with your dedication to this purpose. I truly appreciate your efforts 🙏

  4. Speaking of performing poetry, I’ve got my 2nd and final Bangkok poetry reading tomorrow before I leave Thailand after 5 brilliant years. And my performance courage is steeled by the encouragement and feedback from memebers of the Wheelsong Fb group. Thanks kids 🙏

    1. That's great to hear Andy, and thanks for your continued support of the Wheelsong ventures.


Wheelsong Poetry Anthology 5

Do you want to be a part of something really great? Something that is far more than just poetry? Something that will leave a lasting legacy ...