Monday, 19 June 2023

Welcome to the official Wheelsong Books blog

For those just joining us, welcome to the official blog for Wheelsong Books! We are a UK based, independent, not-for-profit publisher of poetry. Founded in 2020 by poet Steve Wheeler, Wheelsong Books publishes collections by new and emerging poets and provides them a platform to gain a voice and raise their profile in the world of poetry. This blog will be curated by Steve and a number of Wheelsong ambassadors - poets chosen to represent Wheelsong from within their communities. Look out for posts from us in the coming months on a number of exciting new initiatives to promote poetry. You can discover more about us on the Wheelsong Books website.

We will regularly update this blog with news, interviews and reviews of all the latest Wheelsong projects and publications. Your comments and feedback are always welcome!


  1. A great publisher doing great things for amazing causes. So glad to have some of my work in their books and hope to do more and one day when I am good enough to have my own book.

    1. Keep working at it Jon. The more we write the better we become. Poetry is about expression more than anything else, but producing a book of those poetic expressions can be a fine thing to experience. Hard work, but a fine experience.

  2. Great group of people and so happy to be part of some of their books and would love my own book one day. But som much more talent out there, so I am happy to read other instead,

    1. I'm glad you have joined us Anonymous (A great pen-name for a poet) ;)

    2. First blog I’ve ever belonged to, and what a privilege! I look forward to reading up….
      Universal Peace & Love 🪷


Why some poets use Artificial Intelligence

In my previous post I explored why some people behave badly online. As a psychologist, it fascinates me, but I guess I have an insight into ...